User Data Security in Mobile Apps: Role of Blockchain Technology

In this blog, we will explore the effects of Blockchain technology on mobile apps, mainly focusing on how it improves app security. To understand this we first need to know what Blockchain is. Blockchain is a method of storing data that makes it difficult or even impossible to alter, hack, or manipulate the data. It stores the data in a block that is connected to other blocks in the form of a chain through peer to peer-to-peer connection. This storage structure can also be referred to as a digital ledger. It's basically like a Google spreadsheet with data transactional records in it which is shared among a network of people. The best part is that everybody can see the data in blockchain but they cannot alter it or destroy it. Blockchain technology is being adopted by many sectors and getting popular by every passing day. Health, banking, real estate, education all these sectors and many more are already affected by this technology. According to an article By 2030, the market...